Temporary Art

Temporary Art 

To be kicking
All is in us
A flower
In the wood
Wait of the heat
To grow up
It will explore to the light

Regina Bestle Körfer
( translation Edith Britah )

 Landscape Art


    -         To learn with mind, emotions and brain

-         Aesthetics education

-         Appreciation for nature

-         To feel the nature with all senses

-         To look with another view

-         To create together with nature

-         To be artist in the nature

-         To experiment with nature 

To look with another view

In the nature the children can observe in the sky, on the floor, in the wood, in the garden, on the beach…. and they philosophy about what they see. So they explore their environment and discover forms, animals, flowers, wood, sand….

To explore geometrical shapes in nature


They discover geometry in the nature and they create with the geometrical shapes Art.  

To feel the nature with all senses

The children make a lot of sensitive experience with sand, ice, snow, dry foliage, fruits, wood, water and flowers. They explore the nature with all senses and are creative with a lot of materials. But they make also the experience, that  nature is sometimes short-lived and changeful.

Circle with temporary material

To create together with nature

The children are real artist and develop a lot of creative sculptures. They speak about their ideas and they discuss the plan with the other children. So they learn to work together. Each child can help with his own possibilities. Children with special needs can be part of a creative group.

Appreciation for nature

The children develop another view for nature forms. So they learn to look with all senses and to see things on the second view. So they became an open spirit and learn to see things without dried opinions. This is very important for the inclusion learning.

To experiment with nature and to learn other kind of art

Nature is very important in our life. The children know that our food is also nature. They learn to respect all things in their environment. When we make art with plants and fruits the children learn that we use this art for our life and that art when it is food will definitely be temporary. We will eat it.

To be artist in the nature

Children have a lot of fun to create stone men, mandalas, animals and ….

So go with an open mind, another view and a lot of fun with your children to make

Temporary Art.

Our first activity to creat Temporary Art:

In the christmas time, in Germany we make traditional backery with our children. To honor our logo of the project, we decide to bake the logo and finally to eat it before christmas. So some of our children had the joy to creat the logo in Temporary Art:

Light Art activity with preschool children

You don’t need much to experiment with this kind of shot, just make sure you have the following items:
1. A camera capable of long exposures – film cameras will work OK, but if you really want to get the most out of the shooting session, use a digital camera. You will be able to see the results in “real time” and make corrections as you go.
2. A nice tripod. Since you will be doing some long exposures you want to make sure your camera sits still. 
3. A dark location. If you are going to shot at home – a dark room will be OK. If you are going to shoot outside – make sure that you are not doing this under a street light, or where a car can come by.
4. You need diffrent lights in different colours. 

Set your camera on the tripod and take a sample shot with flash / lights on. This will help you verify that your composition is OK.

 Set the exposure to a relatively long value. Stop down the aperture as much as you need. If you are outside do nothing. If you are inside – this is the time to turn off the lights and make the click.

Here are some products of this activity:


To plays, to smudge, to mush, to work with sand, earth, tone, fingerpaints, paste,
Shaving-foam provides etc. important feel charms and feel experiences for the children.
These are an important basis for the learning at school and for mental well-being.

Temporary Art with Shaving-foam

CARE: Shaving-foam is very slippery!

You need:
A table with stuck plastic on it as „Lubrication - zone“ only for the hands.
1 tin of shaving-foam sensitively

- Children can spray themselves or each other from head to foot with shaving-foam and smear.
- smear a surface (with level hand) and with the fingers hineinzeichnen.
- with the foam "form" a mountain od. a scenery.
- Shaving-foam battle. Besides, the border „has to go Lubrication
- Zone“ are kept best of all outdoors in the empty paddling pool.
- The child can spray the shaving-foam also on a table (with plastic tablecloth od. foil covered) and smudge only with the hands, "paint", "model".
Give ev a little liquid watercolour in addition to colour the foam and to mix colours.

Banana Tatoos

For the Banana activity you need some yellow bananas without black points, a needle or little pin, a idea for the design you want to do and a little bit time for the maturation of the banana.

Than you begin to pick with the point of the pin your design idea. Take care that you doesn´t pick very deep in the peel of the banana.

You can take like design a picture of a person, a pattern or you write words with the pin in the peel.

When the bananas are mature you take a shaker with milk, peel the banana and make a banana shake. Than it is real temporary art.

Stone art